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Alpine View Veterinary Hospital

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Meet Our “Pet’s of the Week”

July 14 2014
Meet Alpine View-“Pets of the Week” These three adorable canines “Jepson, Maggie May, and Ocho” are just soooo cute, soooo  well behaved, and soooo incredibly laid back when visiting Alpine View. Like all of our patients, we’re always soooo happy to see their furry faces in the hospital! All three of them are Lab Retriever mixes and are all just as sweet as can be! Our team just loves the fact that they all love coming in to visit the vet. Unfortunately, for our team here at Alpine these pups are relocating with their owners and our long term clients to California, we are all sad to see you go! Travel safe and enjoy the sunshine! We’ll miss ya’ll. Taunia and all your friends from Alpine View   1 pets of week              

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