In the past when a lost pet was brought into Alpine View Veterinary Hospital here in the Monroe & Snohomish area, we as a veterinary care team were sad! Sad for both the pet and for its family! Sad because we knew just how hard it would be to help get this lost dog or lost cat back home again. Unfortunately, we knew from years of experience that there was a much higher likelihood that the pet would end up in an animal shelter than back home in its comfy bed. Thankfully, however, Pet ID chips were introduced and now veterinary clinics, animal shelters, and animal control officers alike are able to simply scan the pet for an ID chip and immediately contact the owner to get the pet back home safe and sound. It’s quick, easy, reliable, affordable, and it lasts a lifetime! In Alpine Views opinion an ID chip offers a pet owner true piece of mind! Where once it was hopeless for us as a veterinary practice to find the owners of lost pets, literally now there is hope, and we have Home Again ID chips to thank for that!
Sound too good to be true? Well it’s not! It really is simple. An ID chip literally the size of a grain of rice is inserted between your pet’s shoulder blades in a matter of seconds and instantly your pet is safer. It’s important to know that 1 out of 3 pets goes missing during its life, and without proper id nearly 90% never return home. Those numbers are staggering and totally heartbreaking but with an ID chip all of that changes. Every month Home Again reunites 10,000 pets back with the people that love them and now over 1.3 million pets with a Home Again ID chip have been reunited back to their owners. For our veterinary hospital, for our staff, and for all of our clients that love their pets those numbers make the decision of getting an ID chip easy.
If you would like some more information about the importance of Home Again ID chips or if you would like to simply pop in with your pet for a chip today, please call Alpine View Veterinary Hospital at 360-794-6662 or email us at
Remember this affordable ID chip, the size of a grain of rice can help keep you connected to the pet you love, forever!
Taunia and All Your Friends from Alpine View
(The numbers and stats mentioned in our letter above are from