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Dog or Cat – Which is Right for You? A Helpful Comparison

December 10 2012
Some people just know, without question, whether they are a “dog person” or a “cat person”. Others find choosing a species of animal for a pet much more challenging. If you’re on the fence about whether you should adopt a dog or a cat to become the newest member of your family, here is a helpful comparison from your Snohomish veterinarian to help you decide. The Truth About Cats
  • Cats tend to be a little more independent than dogs, but they still require love and attention from their owners.
  • While most cats groom themselves well, breeds with long hair require brushing and/or professional grooming.
  • Cats should be kept indoors for their safety.
  • Cats use litterboxes so they don’t require outdoor bathroom runs, however maintaining a clean litterbox is absolutely essential to keeping a cat happy and healthy.
  • Cat’s typically do not tolerate forced exercise, but most are playful and love interacting with their human companions.
The Truth About Dogs
  • Dogs require daily exercise, whether it’s a walk around the block, a trip to the local dog park or a game of fetch in a fenced in yard.
  • Dogs must be let outside several times a day to go to the bathroom.
  • Dogs do not groom themselves, and must be bathed and brushed, either by their owner or a professional groomer. Your Snohomish veterinarian can advise you on how often.
  • Dogs must be “housebroken” to become a well-behaved member of the household – a task that takes time and patience.
  • Some dogs require additional training by a professional to obey commands and curb negative behaviors. Your Snohomish veterinarian can assist you with this, or provide a referral if needed.
These are just some of the many distinct differences between cats and dogs. There are also some similarities that they both share, such as a requirement for routine wellness visits to your Snohomish veterinarian, vaccinations, a healthy diet, and lots of love and attention. Determining which type of animal would be the best pet for you is ultimately a decision that only you can make, but this comparison should help you get a better idea of what to expect with each choice. If you’ve still got questions or need help determining whether your specific situation would be best suited for a feline or canine companion, discuss it with your Snohomish veterinarian.

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